Monday, February 8, 2010

POP QUIZ: True or False - Feminism is in direct correlation to Sexual Frustration?

False. Feminism is in direct correlation to women feeling like they've been the victims of an injustice and deciding to do something about it.POP QUIZ: True or False - Feminism is in direct correlation to Sexual Frustration?
falsePOP QUIZ: True or False - Feminism is in direct correlation to Sexual Frustration?
Nonsense. My wife and I are both feminists - and we keep one another very, very UN-frustrated! In fact, she's gettin' naked right now...
False. feminism is about being sick and tired of men treating you like an object. it's about men only seeing you as a sex object or someone who cooks and cleans and picks up after them. it's about them thinking that you're dumb. that you have no feelings. it's about women always having to prove that they're better.

some women have very strong feminist views, some have mild views.some have no views.(they're the ones that make it hard for the rest of us) !

in the past women weren't allowed to vote or participate in any activity that involved making decisions( other than what's for dinner!!) for years and years they were treated like objects by men.

it's true that there were many women who proved otherwise. Cleopatra, Queen Elizabeth, Mary curie, and many many more...

but still, in this society today, where the general belief is that every one is equal, women get paid less for doing the same job, they get whisled at when walking down the street....etc.

when was the last time you saw a guy walking/ crossing the street and some girl would yell out show us your ';****'; or whatever. ?

i'm not A femenist, but it still makes me angry that when a customer walks into the shop, and i ask them if i can help them, they say '; oh i'm ok. just browsing'; then 2 mins later my workmate who is a guy walks up to the same person and they start asking him questions.

i'm not lying. it happens to me. even if i pick up the phone, they automatically ask if they can speak to someone in sales, they automatically think that i'm a receptionist. it frustrates me becasue i know alot more amout the poducts than some of the guys.

see what you started? hehehe :)
False. Feminists have much more important things to think about than sex.

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